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This article is about a non-fiction entity related to the Astronist belief system or the Astronic tradition.
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Photography by Kyle-3

Cometan with his family posing for a photograph in the grounds of Hoghton Tower.

The twenty-first birthday party of Cometan took place on Saturday 29th June 2019 at the historic house, Hoghton Tower, with his actual birthdate occurring two days later on Monday 1st July. The event was attended by Taylorian's closest family members, including all his seven siblings, his parents, grandparents, and his two stepbrothers.

Set on the hottest day of 2019, the party began at seven in the evening and went on until midnight. Kyle Mcloughlin was the photographer for the event, Carl Deery was the DJ, and the Hoghton Tower Tea Room staff managed the bar and catered buffet for all guests.

Taylorian has been planning the event since late 2018 as he wanted to have a 21st birthday party that he would always look back on and think of fond memories. Taylorian had help from his mother, Louise Counsell, his stepfather, Julian Counsell, an his younger sister, Charlotte Counsell, to organise the event.


The party took place at Taylorian's place of employment, Hoghton Tower, a 16th century stately home and fortified manor house.

Magazine presence[]

The Lancashire & North West magazine was also in attendance at the event to mark the occasion. This allowed Cometan to gain experience in public relations by working with the magazine editor both on the evening and prior to the event.
