
This is an official definition authorised by the Astronist Institution. Click here for this definition's page on



noun (also cosmicality)[]

the quality of being concerned with the astronomical world, especially as a source of religious or philosophical connection or guidance, often considered a gift of faith amongst Astronists.

Extended description
Classified as a fundamental human emotion with prehistoric origins amongst the Aurignacians and others according to Astronist theory, astronality constitutes the foundations of Astronism and is considered to have been a component in the development of human intelligence beyond other species. It is characterised by human perception of the astronomical world, especially regarding how this relates to individual and collective “existentiality” resulting in a strong connection between the individual and the astronomical. In Astronism specifically, all human beings are considered to possess the opportunity to engage with their astronality, the mastery of which is fundamental to the achievement of astrosis and is considered an astronomical religious experience. As such, the state of one’s astronality reflects their spiritual, intellectual and physical interactions with the astronomical world, leading to potential fluctuation in the condition of one’s astronality. 


  • Astronal | ˈastrɒnal | (also Cosmical) adjective
  • Astronalities | ˈastrɒnalɪtiːz | (also Cosmicalities) plural

Origin and etymology[]

  • Astro-English: from Astronese, the prefix astron-, denoting the astronomical world, combined with the suffix -ality denoting a state of being; meaning ‘connection to the astronomical world.’ 