
This is an official definition authorised by the Astronist Institution. This definition is given from an Astronist perspective.

Historical astrology[]

hɪˈstɒrɪk(ə)l əˈstrɒlədʒi[]

noun | Astroanthropology[]

astrology prior to the 17th century and its designation as a pseudoscience; used in Astronist theory in reference to astrology as a scholarly tradition that had developed from astromancy as a means to resolve the dispute of astrology’s Astronicity; some consider only historical astrology to be part of the Astronic tradition.  


  • Historioastrology | hɪˌstɔːrɪˈɒəˈstrɒlədʒi | noun
  • Historioastrological | hɪˌstɔːrɪˈɒəˈstrɒlədʒɪk(ə)l | adjective (also Historioastrologically)

Origin and etymology[]

  • Astro-English: from Astronese, the word historical, denoting the past, beside the word astrology denoting a system of divination by means of the movements of celestial bodies; meaning ‘a form or perspective of astrology widespread in a historical period.’ 