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This article is about a non-fiction entity related to the Astronist belief system or the Astronic tradition.
Any article relating to a fictional entity will be clearly marked as being part of the Spacefaring World

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The original cover for The Dodecadoxy solely authored by Cometan as the twelfth and final disquisition of The Omnidoxy.

Part of a series on the



1. Introduction to Prerology

2. The Study of Imagination

3. The Ancient Philosophers

4. The Integrands of Astronism

5. The Millettarian Soteriology

6. The Achievement of Cometanhood

7. Apocalypse in Astronism & Elements of Philosophy

8. The Role of Mercy in Astronism

9. The Role of Meaningfulness in Astronism & Religious Sponsorship of Enterprise

10. The Eleunomicon

11. The Pollination of The Philosophy

12. The Consideration of the Reasons for Astronism

13. The Downfall of Sanctity & The Nature of Omnality

14. Relational Philosophy, Transcensionists, & The Natural Theology of Astronism

15. The Ultimation of Astronism

16. The Cosmic Era of Millettarian Mystology

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Dodecadoxical formation · Dodecadoxicology · Dodecameneutics · Authorship of the Omnidoxy · List of Omnidoxical disquisitions and discourses · Dodecadoxical nomenclature

The Dodecadoxy, often appellated as The Ultimation, and known by its trade title as The Dodecadoxy: The Principles of Imagination & Freedom, or also referred to as the Twelfth Disquisition, is the twelfth and final disquisition within the treatise of the Omnidoxy as solely authored by the mononymous philosopher, Cometan.
