This article is about a non-fiction entity related to the Astronist belief system or the Astronic tradition.
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An instrument of study, also less commonly known as an instrument of contemplation, is a conceptual parameter applied to all relevant concepts, theories, notions, beliefs, topics and disciplines of study and remains one of the most defining elements of the Millettarian philosophical tradition, and the first applications of which took place in The Omnidoxy.
[1:35:5] Abundancy is an instrument of study that measures the quantity of something, and its counterpart instrument, frequency, is the measure of the proximities between these quantified entities.
[1:35:6] Binarity is an instrument of study that contemplates two components, especially so in a cosmical context, and derives meaning according to this structure and applies this meaning to other instruments, such as orderity, motionality, and dynamicity.
[1:35:7] Bipolarity is an instrument of study that contemplates two components, but specifically in context of these two components holding two oppositism to one another; these extremities are subsequently studied and inferences are derived from these according to other instruments, again, such as orderity, motionality, naturity, and dynamicity.
[1:35:8] Calendarity is an instrument of study that measures time according to human perception, and is primarily based upon location, established culture, and organised philosophy from which the perception is originated; it is this perception that is philosophically contemplated.
[1:35:9] Centricity is an instrument of study encompassing many different contexts, but largely consolidates itself according to some central component; whether this be an abstract, physical, futural, cosmical, or predictional centricity.
[1:35:10] Chaosity is an instrument of study dealing with all contemplations of the entity known as The Chaos in Millettarian Cosmology, but also, concepts surrounding chaotic functionalities, orderities, and naturities in general, in both cosmical and non-cosmical senses.
[1:35:11] Composity is an instrument of study contemplating entities that are made up of several parts, or elements, and so are not just dyadic, triadic, or quadical; an exemplar of this in Millettarian Cosmology is the entity defined as The Cosmos.
[1:35:12] Concentricity is an instrument of study focusing on the prevalence of the concentric pattern and structure in The Cosmos, and its reflection upon other instruments, such as orderity, naturity, and motionality, amongst others.
[1:35:13] Corality is an instrument of study that considers the naturity, purposity, importance, and meaning of the cores of cosmical systems, and has a tendency to measure the importance of the core with other parts of a typical cosmical system.
[1:35:14] Cosmicality is an instrument of study measuring the extent to which an entity, or some event is in alignment with that which is deemed as the cosmical orderity, or the cosmical system.
[1:35:15] Criticality is a two-part instrument of study; its first part measures the potentiality of some entity, or event to be disastrous, typically in threatening the cosmical orderity, and also invokes a sense of immediacy; its second part relates to the reception given by the public towards a philosophical contemplation, or statement.
[1:35:16] Dyadicity is an instrument of study measuring the relationship between two elements of some entity, or event, and in this measure of the interaction, differs from the instrument of binarity.
[1:35:17] Dynamicity is a wide-ranging instrument of study measuring three main components of an entity, or an event; its affects on the change, the activity, and the progress made in The Cosmos and of the cosmical progeny.
[1:35:18] Eternality is an instrument of study measuring the extent to which something may exist forever, and contemplates the nature of foreverness and being in eternal existence, and the subsequencies of such.
[1:35:19] Extrinsicity is an instrument of study measuring the extent to which an element is not essential to the structure or the fundamentality of something and of which its comparter, the instrument of intrinsicity, measures the necessity of something’s structure and fundamentality, and are both typically used in an abstract sense.
[1:35:20] Finity is an instrument of study contemplating entities according to their finite naturities, such as that of The Cosmos, and acts as the direct oppositism to the instrument of study of infinity, which contemplates entities according to their infinite naturities, such as that of The Universe, and The Divine.
[1:35:21] Focality is an instrument of study measuring the overall importance of something by taking into account all its many aspects, and makes a conclusive and balanced judgement of this according to all aspects contemplated.
[1:35:22] Formity is an instrument of study that philosophically contemplates the ways by which an entity forms, especially one in a cosmical context, and incorporates the instruments of orderity, naturity, and motionality into its conclusions and inferences.
[1:35:23] Fundamentality is an instrument of study contemplating the extent to which something is necessary to the functionality of something, and is most typically used in physical sense.
[1:35:24] Functionality is an instrument of study contemplating the basic and the complex systems of something in order to fulfil an intended purpose, and may be used in both abstract and physical contexts.
[1:35:25] Fusionality is an instrument of study that philosophically contemplates the joining together of two previously distinct entities in order to create oneness, and the subsequent consequences of this in both abstract and cosmic physical senses.
[1:35:26] Futurity is an overarching instrument of study covering the entirety of philosophical contemplations of the future, of time that is yet to come, in all its many applications, contexts, and senses.
[1:35:27] Graduality is an instrument of study relating to the existence of an entity, or the duration of an event, in relation to time, but specifically, the progression of this slowly, or by lengthy degrees, and its comparter is the instrument of immediacy, which studies the urgency and instancy of these such degrees.
[1:35:28] Imperativity is an instrument of study that measures importance, but differs from the instruments of focality and intrinsicity, by focusing on the measurement of importance in relation to the immediacy of that which is being contemplated.
[1:35:29] Imnemnity is an instrument of study measuring the extent to which a philosophical concept falls in alignment with current scientific and empirical knowledge, or the extent to which it does not, which forms the comparter of imnemnity, known as disimnemnity.
[1:35:30] Inversity is an instrument of study contemplating and measuring the effects of oppositism, especially so in a cosmical context, and relates this according to position, direction, orderity, and consequence.
[1:35:31] Lunarity is an instrument of study focusing on the philosophical contemplation of moons, their inferences in the cosmical system, and their overall importances in the wider cosmical orderity.
[1:35:32] Matrixity is an instrument of study contemplating a strict adherence to the cosmical orderity, so as not to allow any chaotical influences to pervade into the cosmical system, and is based upon the idea of The Matrix.
[1:35:33] Medianity is an instrument of study measuring the inferences and concepts relating to being positioned in the middle of some wider space, or as the central part of an ordered series.
[1:35:34] Motionality is an instrument of study relating to physical movement of cosmical entities and the inferences derived from these movements in relation to naturity, functionality, and orderity, and this instrument of study may also be used in other more abstract ways, such as motionality as a comparable to progression.
[1:35:35] Motivity is an instrument of study contemplating motivation in relation to action, and is more typically found in discourses on ethics and morality, rather than on cosmical discourses.
[1:35:36] Mysteriosity is an instrument of study focusing on the air of mystery found in some cosmical entities, and in other more abstract concepts; a general unknowingness of something, that is made distinct from that of chaosity.
[1:35:37] Naturity is an instrument of study contemplates the most basic and inherent features, characteristics, and qualities of something that make it a distinct entity, and is the most fundamental instrument of philosophical study alongside orderity.
[1:35:38] Orbitality is an instrument of study dealing with the philosophical contemplation of the physical orbits of celestial entities and the subsequent meanings and inferences derived from these motionalities.
[1:35:39] Orderity is the most fundamental instruments of study alongside that of the instrument of naturity, and deals with the intrinsic structure, pattern, and uniformity of the ways by which celestials, as distinct and individual entities, and by which The Cosmos as a whole are arranged, and functioned in alignment with the cosmical system.
[1:35:40] Orthogonality is an instrument of study contemplating the philosophical meanings and inferences derived from the shape of right angles.
[1:35:41] Planetarity is an instrument of study focusing on the philosophical contemplation of planets, their inferences in the cosmical system, and the ways by which they help form, arrange, and structure the cosmical system, and the extent of their specific importance in this purpose.
[1:35:42] Primarity is an instrument of study measuring importance, but is most typically used to emphasise one entity’s importance over another, rather than individual importance, as is focused by intrinsicity and focality.
[1:35:43] Progressivity is an instrument of study that measures the extent to which an entity physically progresses by motion, or the extent to which some entity, or concept enacts progression, and also contemplates and attempt to determine the nature of what progression is in different sets of criteria.
[1:35:44] Proportionality and Disproportionality are major comparter instruments of study that measure the extent to which a concept, or instrument of study reacts when there is an increase, or decrease in another related concept, or instrument; proportionality is deemed when two or more concepts do correspond, meaning they increase, or decrease together, and disproportionality is deemed when two concepts, or instrument do not correspond, whereby one increases when the other decreases.
[1:35:45] Purposity is an instrument of study involving the general philosophical contemplation of purpose in relation to some entity, an event, or an abstract concept; the purpose is attempted to be identified, defined, and measured according to functionality, naturity, and orderity.
[1:35:46] Rationality is an instrument of study that measures the extent to which a concept is formed by a series of logical steps, or a conclusion that is formed based on justified reason.
[1:35:47] Reciprocy is an instrument of study relating to the structure and system of the celestials in The Cosmos to respond to function with a corresponding function, and contemplates inferences derived from reciprocative actions.
[1:35:48] Regressivity is an instrument of study that is the comparter of the instrument of progressivity, and involves the measure of the extent to which an entity, or some abstract concept causes greater distance from a specified goal, and contemplates the nature of regression.
[1:35:49] Rotality is an instrument of study that largely relates to the rotational motionalities of celestial entities in The Cosmos, and is therefore primarily used in Cosmic Philosophy, and contemplates the inferences from such rotations in relation to the wider cosmical orderity and system.
[1:35:50] Sensicality is an instrument of study related to that of rationality, and contemplates the idea of common sense in philosophical contexts; a series of decisions or conclusions that can be made from sound judgements, sensicality is a supporter of logic, and is most often used in more practical and applicational circumstances.
[1:35:51] Solarity is an instrument of study involving the philosophical contemplation of stars in their physical existences and works to derive greater meaning from their natural functionalities.
[1:35:52] Symbioticity is an instrument of study that measures the extent of the mutual interactions between two or more different entities, whether these be cosmical, or non-cosmical, and derives philosophical inferences and conclusions from this symbiotic relationship.
[1:35:53] Synchronocity is an instrument of study that contemplates inferences about two or more entities, or occurrences that happen at the same time as each other, or conduct their functions at the same time as one another, and draws philosophical conclusions therein.
[1:35:54] Vastity is an instrument of study that contemplates abundancy in its most extreme terms, but not only equates this with quantity, but also, complexity; therefore, many entities can be considered to hold high vastity, but also, one single entity, due to its complexity, can also be considered to hold a high level of vastity.