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This article is about a non-fiction entity related to the Astronist belief system or the Astronic tradition.
Any article relating to a fictional entity will be clearly marked as being part of the Spacefaring World

"Janet" Louise Counsell (née Warbrick) (born July 17, 1970), known within Astronism via her religious mononym, Lyra, after the constellation of Lyra, and most commonly referred to as Louise J. Counsell, or Louise, mother of Cometan, is the mother of Cometan and Astria and is classified as one of the founding figures of Astronism.

In her professional career, Louise had been a hairdresser since her early twenties and later owned her own hair salon known Eulocis, a combination of her name and her first daughter's name, Lucia. This entrepreneurial spirit provided her with the opportunity to own her own properties which she rented out.

Later in her life, she took an academic path and began studying psychology with particular interest in counselling psychology and personality disorders. This was all whilst still working full-time and looking after her family and a household.

Religious mononym

Cometan's mother's religious mononym was self-assigned post-omnidoxically with some contribution of her son. She ultimately settled on the mononym Lyra, named after the constellation of Lyra.

Early life

Louise was born Janet Louise Warbrick in the village Hoghton outside the City of Preston as the second daughter of William "Bill" and Hilda Warbrick on July 17, 1970.

Louise grew up as an only child, but she wasn't meant to be. She had an older sister named Karen Warbrick, whom sadly passed away after an incident at the age of 4. Louise would therefore never meet her older sister.

Childhood and spiritual phenomena

At the age __, on the way home from Hoghton Village Hall after a ___, Louise and two friends she was with claimed to have seen the ghost of a young boy standing in the distance on the bridge of Hoghton Road in the village of Hoghton. Louise described the boy as being dressed in all black with wild curly hair gesturing as if telling the children to stop after which the boy jump through the way of the bridge.

In a separate instance, Louise and two other friends were using a ouija at dusk in one of the stalls of the stables where Louise kept her horse. Two other horses where in other stalls at the time that were firmly locked. As the girls began to use the board, they reported a huge gust of wind blew through the stables and mysteriously, the two horses bolted out of their stalls and ran out of the stables into the field.

Teenage years and birth of daughter

Louise became pregnant at the age of 18 and gave birth to her daughter, Lucia, just prior to her nineteenth birthday in 1989 after she married Lucia's father. After that marriage imploded, Louise met Sean Taylor in 1993 and gave birth to their son, Brandon Taylor, on 1st July 1998. Her relationship with Sean collapsed in 2003 leaving their son Brandon, age four, in a broken family.


Birth of son

Birth of second daughter

Psychology degree

Contributions to Astronism

To celebrate her fiftieth birthday, Louise and her family will travel to St Lucia in July 2020.
